You, too, can make an adorable, bug-eyed foam-rubber puppet. And this free video guide will show you how. For a complete, step-by-step overview of how to make your own puppet from foam rubber, watch t ...

Whether you use shadow puppets or marionettes, put on a fanciful puppet show with these tips. Step 1: Decide on script Decide on the puppet show script you wish to use. Write your own dialogue for a c ...

Although very strange, after watching this video, you'll know how to make your very own voodoo love doll! ...

This past weekend Berlin celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall with a visit from France's Royal de Luxe street theatre company. Royal de Luxe creates insanely amazing large sc ...

You're standing right in front of us, but your voice sounds like it's coming from over there! Color your friends impressed by learning the fine art of ventriloquism. Step 1Make sure you have a quiet, ...

http://www.etsy.com/storque/how-to/how-tuesdays-spooky-shadow-puppets-by-crankbunny-2827/ Download the PDF from the link above. This week on Etsy How-Tuesday, Norma AKA crankbunny shows us how to make ...

If you're in the mood to make a horror movie, complete with creepy creatures and all, then you could make your dreams come true. Just check out this video tutorial on how to make a creature puppet th ...

Want to be a puppeteer when you grow up? Watch this how-to video and learn as our host John Kennedy gives insider tips on how to develop your puppet character, make your puppet move and perform in fro ...

Learn how to make puppets with moving mouths in this free video series, including tips on making a puppet pattern, sewing and adding features like arms, legs and eyes. ...